Predicta Bioactive Core Dual-Cure Core Build-up Tooth Stackable
Product Overview
Dual-Cure Composite for Core Build-Ups and Post Cementations.
Optimized for placement in teeth that require core build-ups, with or without posts, prior to the prepping, impressioning, fabrication, and cementation of a crown.
Predicta® Bioactive Core is bioactive and releases calcium and phosphate ions and releases and recharges fluoride ions to stimulate mineral apatite formation and remineralization at the material-tooth interface.
- Dual-cure for unlimited depth of cure
Zirconia added to improve the prepping experience Indicated for core build-ups and as a post cement
Strong and stable support for crowns made of zirconia, porcelain, PFM and metal
Stackable (High Viscosity): ideally suited to minimize crown prepping time, when placing larger core build-ups where stackability results in a more centralized core, and less excess in areas that would require removal during prepping.