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Retail Price£20.93
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Product Overview
Braces make oral hygiene considerably more difficult. Dangerous plaque accumulates in the numerous small gaps and inaccessible parts of braces. Bits of food and plaque get stuck on the brackets and wires, just like on and between the teeth. This is why food and plaque need removing properly at least once a day to prevent dental or gum diseases.
Contains:- 1 x UHS 451, 1 x ortho pocket set (CPS Prime 06, CPS Regular 14 & CPS Strong Implant 28) 1 x strip ortho wax, 1 x CS 1006 single, 1 x CS 5460 ortho, 1 x DF 845 implant & braces, 1 x PVC travel bag, 1 x ortho brochure.
Colours may vary.
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Retail Price£20.93
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