
Coaxial 6-Strand Stainless Steel 30' Spool 0215

233304 (30' Spool)
G&H code: SST6215


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Product Overview

MULTI-STRAND ARCHWIRES 3-strand wires are three twisted strands of fine, round Type 302SS that form a single wire to provide light forces, good flexibility, and resiliency. Coax (6-strand) wires are five strands of very fine Type 302SS wrapped around a single core wire for light ligating and toothmoving forces. 8-braid wires are eight equal-sized Type 302SS braided into a tight matrix and rolled to the popular rectangular sizes to provide gentle tooth-moving forces for finishing stages. In general, these offer the lightest force of the stainless steel wires. 8-braid wires resist fraying when cut.



Coaxial 6-Strand Stainless Steel 30' Spool 0215

233304 (30' Spool)
G&H code: SST6215


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Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time

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Available to OrderNot held in stock, available with additional delivery time