Retail Price£129.47
Product Overview
Predicta® Bioactive Desensitizer changes the way clinicians treat dentin hypersensitivity by using the elements that are naturally found in the tooth, (calcium and phosphate) and restoring them to the tooth in the form of hydroxyapatite plugs that immediately start forming in the dentinal tubules upon application. Over the following weeks after the patient has left the office, these plugs continue to penetrate further down the tubules to create an expanded zone of protection.
An additional layer of mineralization also forms atop the dentinal tubules as a result of the ongoing release of calcium and phosphate ions. This extra layer broadens the seal that protects the pain-sensing A-delta nerve fibers in the pulp from being stimulated.
Predicta Bioactive Desensitizer is highly biocompatible as there are no methacrylates or soft-tissue irritating chemicals used during production. This syringe dispensed gel requires no mixing. Simply remove any calculus or plaque from the treatment site, blot the area dry with a cotton roll or gauze and you are good-to-go.
Suggested to treat:
- Exposed roots after perio surgery
- Bleaching procedures
- Scaling or root planing
- Hypersensitivity due to gingival recession
3x3ml syringes, 30 applicator tips, 50 precision applicator brushes, 1 mixing well