LM Arte-Replica Posterior ErgoSense LM 448-4498ES (Orange)
Retail Price£60.01
Product Overview
LM-Arte Replica Posterior is a clever instrument designed for simplifying occlusal modeling of posterior teeth in direct composite restorations. The instrument makes occlusal modeling fast, simple and predictable. Occlusal anatomy of single tooth can be made easily guided by the buccal cusps using replica technique with this specific instrument. The instrument has one concave and one convex side. Posterior modeling with simple steps: adapt, shape and replicate.
LM-ErgoSense Handle:-
The larger diameter and design provide sensational grip that has been proven to be ergonomic and efficient in scientific clinical testing. Uniquely intelligent handle with the option for RFID tagging. The compatibility with the Dental Tracking System offers many opportunties to improve asset management and patient safety.